The OXL photometric file format, with spectrum, photos, and more...
The OXL file format is an XML based format which contains the photometry (like an IESNA .IES or an Eulumdat .LDT) file format, but adds much much more. The OXL file format is open and free to use by any company. Here's an overview of what an OXL file can contain: As you can see there must be a photometry, and to that you can any or none of the following things: PDF data sheet. Photo. Spectral data. 3D model (a simplified 3D model is ideal for Revit applications). So when a customer wants details about your luminaire, you don't need to send him N files, just a single OXL file. Now I think examples are easier to understand than formal definitions, so here is what the start of an OXL file looks like: Because Eulumdat and IESNA files are so constricted, some companies " expand and re-interpret " them, with non standard "extensions" which only a few programs (mostly company internal programs) understand. These e...